Do we have to simply fold and now call them LGBTQI connectors, re-engineer them to connect in any possible combination of protruding/hollow styles at substantial cost, or do we draw a line and tell "Princess" to suck it up?
look up
"GenRad connector" the problem with those is they are very expensive
what are they proposing, that we label connectors as "innie and outie"?
electrical engineering isn't the only industry that would be affected, pipe fittings also use the same terminology for example. i don't see the point in changing internationally recognized standards because "somebody's feelings might be hurt". in electrical engineering, ambiguity can get people killed. a 15kV source connected to an exposed pin on a front panel is a lot more dangerous than connecting it to a socket.
the whole thing about the constantly growing acronym reminds me of
"Hubert Wolfe +988" where the "+988"
refers to the number of letters in his surname after the initial "Wolfe".
i am beginning to get annoyed at the whole "WOKE" thing. it's like being carjacked and being forced to go along for the ride. i wish the left would stop trying to force this country to fit their mold, they should go somewhere and start their own country if they want their socialist utopia. it's not hard, people have been doing that for thousands of years, and there's still a huge amount of uninhabited land in the world.
(Runs into the tunnel with tracks that has a strange loud rumble and an air horn
let me guess, you were following fox tracks, then rabbit tracks, and now train tracks?