navigation switch for micro project

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Well-Known Member
Am completing the pcb for a micro project with 4 buttons used for lcd menu selection.

Rather than a typical straight line of switches though that a navigation ok arrow tv remote type of buttons would look neat.

Though the actual switch is easily bought the button faces seem scarce, a few complete ones on ebay UK but at £20 ish !

Anyone know of a good source of a complete assembly at a sensible price or is it more a case of buy a cheap tv remote and extract the parts ?
TV remotes won't contain mechanical switches - they use conductive pads mounted on a flexible sheet to press against PCB traces. Search for "push button switch" on eBay for some options.
I bought some (I say some ) micro switches from china.... One here was £2.50 I got 100 for £2.50 with free delivery... I have 99 left!! The only issue is they are side operated...( it was for a tablet repair!! ) If they are any use???

Just search for SMD micro tactile switch...
Josea, thanks, did not realise the remotes were all the flexi types.

Ian, thanks , but was looking for the 5 way switches and button covers.

Nothing on ebay but after another search have just found one such complete beastie at Farnells for £10.50, thought they would be more popular ..
Would a joystick work for you? They are as cheap as a buck on eBay.
Thanks, but with just 2 pots and one switch it would need a lot of code rework, perhaps more suited to a larger tft screen than a 16x2 lcd I currently use.
Also do not think it would sit too well on a cabinet bezel having to go over at such a steep angle.


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Oops...that does appear to have pots. Some similarly sized units have 4 sets of switch contacts. The picture shows an example.
That takes me back to the original question, can get the 5 way switches ok, its the key caps to make it complete that needed.
Seems that Farnell unit is the only option.
You could use a **broken link removed** and a **broken link removed** as a cost effective solution...or not.
Thanks for the ideas, have a load of the tactile switches and square/round caps ( part of a bundle of RS goodies bought by a trade mate for helping him out on a job).
Could set them up in a button 'cross' layout but a job to cut out the control panel neatly.

Think I will settle for the Farnell/Element14 one at £10, a bit of a luxury but could look neat, matching the blue lcd and being an easy single round hole to drill out.


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