NC to G-Code & Visual Studio error File Format Converter

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Coop Build Coordinator
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I found these on Hans Wedemeyer's website.

Hans has a program to Convert Excellon NC drill file to G-Code.
This program is setup to drill etched boards.

There is not a great CCS following here but it should not be a big deal to come up with a similar converter for other compilers. Write a few lines of code to convert the error listing to look similar to what VS expects.

Hans Wedemeyer's has a small program on his website that reads a CCS error file and imports it into the VS output window. This allows one to click on an error to locate the error within the text.

Once setup it works like this.
Compile in MPLAB
Switch to VS C++
Select Tools>ErrorConverter //if you named the installed tool ErrorConverter
Select an error in the output window to find the error within the file
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