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NCV7471B System Basis Chip only shutting down once.

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I'm trying to put together a circuit with a NCV7471B and it will need to shut down and be woken from activity on the LIN bus.

The problem is that after it has woken from LIN, the next time that I try to get it to sleep, it just resets the microcontroller for a few ms, after which it starts running.

At the moment all my code does is:-
Set up the SPI communications
flash an LED in a loop
reset the SBC watchdog via SPI
After a number of flashes, tell the SBC to go into sleep mode.

When I first turn on the power, that works fine and the circuit is shut down, taking less than 0.1 mA. The SBC pulls the processor reset line low, and turns off the supply to the processor. When the LIN bus is pulled low, it wakes up. However, from then on, each time the processor tells the SBC to go to sleep mode, the SBC just resets the processor briefly.


That shows the processor reset line (blue) and the SPI data SDO from the processor to the SBC (red), the first time the processor sends the command to go to the sleep mode.

After the wake from LIN, this happens:-

The data just before reset is the same as before, a command to shut down. The data just after reset is the setting up of the SBC.

Has anyone got any idea why the SBC chip is like this?

Link to SBC:-
// DSPIC33CH128MP506 Configuration Bit Settings

// 'C' source line config statements

#pragma config BWRP = OFF               // Boot Segment Write-Protect bit (Boot Segment may be written)
#pragma config BSS = DISABLED           // Boot Segment Code-Protect Level bits (No Protection (other than BWRP))
#pragma config BSEN = OFF               // Boot Segment Control bit (No Boot Segment)
#pragma config GWRP = OFF               // General Segment Write-Protect bit (General Segment may be written)
#pragma config GSS = DISABLED           // General Segment Code-Protect Level bits (No Protection (other than GWRP))
#pragma config CWRP = OFF               // Configuration Segment Write-Protect bit (Configuration Segment may be written)
#pragma config CSS = DISABLED           // Configuration Segment Code-Protect Level bits (No Protection (other than CWRP))
#pragma config AIVTDIS = OFF            // Alternate Interrupt Vector Table bit (Disabled AIVT)

#pragma config BSLIM = 0x1FFF           // Boot Segment Flash Page Address Limit bits (Enter Hexadecimal value)


#pragma config FNOSC = PRI // PRIPLL           // Oscillator Source Selection (Primary Oscillator with PLL module (XT + PLL, HS + PLL, EC + PLL))
#pragma config IESO = OFF               // Two-speed Oscillator Start-up Enable bit (Start up with user-selected oscillator source)

#pragma config POSCMD = EC              // Primary Oscillator Mode Select bits (EC (External Clock) Mode)
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF           // OSC2 Pin Function bit (OSC2 is clock output)
#pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD           // Clock Switching Mode bits (Both Clock switching and Fail-safe Clock Monitor are disabled)
#pragma config XTCFG = G0               // XT Config (4-8 MHz crystals)
#pragma config XTBST = DISABLE          // XT Boost (Default kick-start)

#pragma config RWDTPS = PS16384         // Run Mode Watchdog Timer Post Scaler select bits (1:16384)
#pragma config RCLKSEL = LPRC           // Watchdog Timer Clock Select bits (Always use LPRC)
#pragma config WINDIS = ON              // Watchdog Timer Window Enable bit (Watchdog Timer operates in Non-Window mode)
#pragma config WDTWIN = WIN25           // Watchdog Timer Window Select bits (WDT Window is 25% of WDT period)
#pragma config SWDTPS = PS1048576       // Sleep Mode Watchdog Timer Post Scaler select bits (1:1048576)
#pragma config FWDTEN = ON_SW           // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT controlled via SW, use WDTCON.ON bit)

#pragma config ICS = PGD1               // ICD Communication Channel Select bits (Communicate on PGC1 and PGD1)
#pragma config JTAGEN = OFF             // JTAG Enable bit (JTAG is disabled)

#pragma config DMTIVTL = 0xFFFF         // Dead Man Timer Interval low word (Enter Hexadecimal value)

#pragma config DMTIVTH = 0xFFFF         // Dead Man Timer Interval high word (Enter Hexadecimal value)

#pragma config DMTCNTL = 0xFFFF         // Lower 16 bits of 32 bit DMT instruction count time-out value (0-0xFFFF) (Enter Hexadecimal value)

#pragma config DMTCNTH = 0xFFFF         // Upper 16 bits of 32 bit DMT instruction count time-out value (0-0xFFFF) (Enter Hexadecimal value)

#pragma config DMTDIS = OFF             // Dead Man Timer Disable bit (Dead Man Timer is Disabled and can be enabled by software)

#pragma config ALTI2C1 = OFF            // Alternate I2C1 Pin bit (I2C1 mapped to SDA1/SCL1 pins)
#pragma config ALTI2C2 = OFF            // Alternate I2C2 Pin bit (I2C2 mapped to SDA2/SCL2 pins)
#pragma config SMBEN = SMBUS            // SM Bus Enable (SMBus input threshold is enabled)
#pragma config SPI2PIN = PPS            // SPI2 Pin Select bit (SPI2 uses I/O remap (PPS) pins)

#pragma config CTXT1 = OFF              // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 1 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config CTXT2 = OFF              // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 2 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config CTXT3 = OFF              // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 3 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config CTXT4 = OFF              // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 4 bits (Not Assigned)

#pragma config MBXM0 = S2M              // Mailbox 0 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM1 = S2M              // Mailbox 1 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM2 = S2M              // Mailbox 2 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM3 = S2M              // Mailbox 3 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM4 = S2M              // Mailbox 4 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM5 = S2M              // Mailbox 5 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM6 = S2M              // Mailbox 6 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM7 = S2M              // Mailbox 7 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM8 = S2M              // Mailbox 8 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM9 = S2M              // Mailbox 9 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM10 = S2M             // Mailbox 10 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM11 = S2M             // Mailbox 11 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM12 = S2M             // Mailbox 12 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM13 = S2M             // Mailbox 13 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM14 = S2M             // Mailbox 14 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))
#pragma config MBXM15 = S2M             // Mailbox 15 data direction (Mailbox register configured for Main data read (Secondary to Main data transfer))

#pragma config MBXHSA = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block A register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block A)
#pragma config MBXHSB = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block B register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block B)
#pragma config MBXHSC = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block C register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block C)
#pragma config MBXHSD = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block D register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block D)

#pragma config MBXHSE = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block E register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block E)
#pragma config MBXHSF = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block F register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block F)
#pragma config MBXHSG = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block G register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block G)
#pragma config MBXHSH = MBX15           // Mailbox handshake protocol block H register assignment (MSIxMBXD15 assigned to mailbox handshake protocol block H)

#pragma config HSAEN = OFF              // Mailbox A data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSBEN = OFF              // Mailbox B data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSCEN = OFF              // Mailbox C data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSDEN = OFF              // Mailbox D data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSEEN = OFF              // Mailbox E data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSFEN = OFF              // Mailbox F data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSGEN = OFF              // Mailbox G data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)
#pragma config HSHEN = OFF              // Mailbox H data flow control protocol block enable (Mailbox data flow control handshake protocol block disabled.)

#pragma config CPRA0 = MAIN             // Pin RA0 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRA1 = MAIN             // Pin RA1 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRA2 = MAIN             // Pin RA2 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRA3 = MAIN             // Pin RA3 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRA4 = MAIN             // Pin RA4 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)

#pragma config CPRB0 = MAIN             // Pin RB0 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB1 = MAIN             // Pin RB1 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB2 = MAIN             // Pin RB2 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB3 = MAIN             // Pin RB3 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB4 = MAIN             // Pin RB4 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB5 = MAIN             // Pin RB5 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB6 = MAIN             // Pin RB6 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB7 = MAIN             // Pin RB7 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB8 = MAIN             // Pin RB8 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB9 = MAIN             // Pin RB9 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB10 = MAIN            // Pin RB10 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB11 = MAIN            // Pin RB11 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB12 = MAIN            // Pin RB12 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB13 = MAIN            // Pin RB13 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB14 = MAIN            // Pin RB14 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRB15 = MAIN            // Pin RB15 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)

#pragma config CPRC0 = MAIN             // Pin RC0 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC1 = MAIN             // Pin RC1 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC2 = MAIN             // Pin RC2 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC3 = MAIN             // Pin RC3 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC4 = MAIN             // Pin RC4 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC5 = MAIN             // Pin RC5 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC6 = MAIN             // Pin RC6 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC7 = MAIN             // Pin RC7 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC8 = MAIN             // Pin RC8 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC9 = MAIN             // Pin RC9 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC10 = MAIN            // Pin RC10 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC11 = MAIN            // Pin RC11 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC12 = MAIN            // Pin RC12 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC13 = MAIN            // Pin RC13 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC14 = MAIN            // Pin RC14 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRC15 = MAIN            // Pin RC15 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)

#pragma config CPRD0 = MAIN             // Pin RD0 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD1 = MAIN             // Pin RD1 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD2 = MAIN             // Pin RD2 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD3 = MAIN             // Pin RD3 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD4 = MAIN             // Pin RD4 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD5 = MAIN             // Pin RD5 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD6 = MAIN             // Pin RD6 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD7 = MAIN             // Pin RD7 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD8 = MAIN             // Pin RD8 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD9 = MAIN             // Pin RD9 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD10 = MAIN            // Pin RD10 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD11 = MAIN            // Pin RD11 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD12 = MAIN            // Pin RD12 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD13 = MAIN            // Pin RD13 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD14 = MAIN            // Pin RD14 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRD15 = MAIN            // Pin RD15 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)

#pragma config CPRE0 = MAIN             // Pin RE0 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE1 = MAIN             // Pin RE1 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE2 = MAIN             // Pin RE2 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE3 = MAIN             // Pin RE3 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE4 = MAIN             // Pin RE4 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE5 = MAIN             // Pin RE5 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE6 = MAIN             // Pin RE6 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE7 = MAIN             // Pin RE7 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE8 = MAIN             // Pin RE8 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE9 = MAIN             // Pin RE9 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE10 = MAIN            // Pin RE10 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE11 = MAIN            // Pin RE11 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE12 = MAIN            // Pin RE12 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE13 = MAIN            // Pin RE13 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE14 = MAIN            // Pin RE14 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)
#pragma config CPRE15 = MAIN            // Pin RE15 Ownership Bits (Main core owns pin.)

#pragma config S1FNOSC = FRCDIVN        // Oscillator Source Selection (Internal Fast RC (FRC) Oscillator with postscaler)
#pragma config S1IESO = ON              // Two-speed Oscillator Start-up Enable bit (Start up device with FRC, then switch to user-selected oscillator source)

#pragma config S1OSCIOFNC = OFF         // Secondary OSC2 Pin Function bit (OSC2 is clock output)
#pragma config S1FCKSM = CSDCMD         // Clock Switching Mode bits (Both Clock switching and Fail-safe Clock Monitor are disabled)

#pragma config S1RWDTPS = PS1048576     // Run Mode Watchdog Timer Post Scaler select bits (1:1048576)
#pragma config S1RCLKSEL = LPRC         // Watchdog Timer Clock Select bits (Always use LPRC)
#pragma config S1WINDIS = ON            // Watchdog Timer Window Enable bit (Watchdog Timer operates in Non-Window mode)
#pragma config S1WDTWIN = WIN25         // Watchdog Timer Window Select bits (WDT Window is 25% of WDT period)
#pragma config S1SWDTPS = PS1048576     // Sleep Mode Watchdog Timer Post Scaler select bits (1:1048576)
#pragma config S1FWDTEN = ON            // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT enabled in hardware)

#pragma config S1ICS = PGD1             // ICD Communication Channel Select bits (Communicate on PGC1 and PGD1)
#pragma config S1ISOLAT = ON            // Isolate the Secondary core subsystem from the Main subsystem during Debug (The Secondary can operate (in debug mode) even if the SLVEN bit in the MSI is zero.)
#pragma config S1NOBTSWP = OFF          // BOOTSWP Instruction Enable/Disable bit (BOOTSWP instruction is disabled)

#pragma config S1ALTI2C1 = OFF          // Alternate I2C1 Pin bit (I2C1 mapped to SDA1/SCL1 pins)
#pragma config S1SPI1PIN = PPS          // S1 SPI1 Pin Select bit (Secondary SPI1 uses I/O remap (PPS) pins)
#pragma config S1SSRE = ON              // Secondary Secondary Reset Enable (Secondary generated resets will reset the Secondary Enable Bit in the MSI module)
#pragma config S1MSRE = ON              // Main Secondary Reset Enable (The Main software oriented RESET events (RESET Op-Code, Watchdog timeout, TRAP reset, illegalInstruction) will also cause the Secondary subsystem to reset.)

#pragma config S1CTXT1 = OFF            // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 1 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config S1CTXT2 = OFF            // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 2 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config S1CTXT3 = OFF            // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 3 bits (Not Assigned)
#pragma config S1CTXT4 = OFF            // Specifies Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) Associated to Alternate Working Register 4 bits (Not Assigned)

// #pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
// Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF.

#include <xc.h>

#include "p33CH128MP506.h"
int main(void) {
    WDTCONLbits.ON = 0;
    TRISBbits.TRISB9 = 0;
    // Select SPI peripheral pin select
    RPOR5 = 7;                  // output  RP42 - to be CSN
    RPOR6 = 6 + (5 << 8);      //  outputs RP44 = 6 (clock) and RP45 = 5 (data out)
    RPINR20 = 43;                // input SPI input = RP43
    RPOR12 = (7 << 8) ;         // RC9 for debug
    RPOR18 = (6 << 8) ;         // Rd5 for debug
    RPOR3 = 5;
    SPI1CON1L = 0b0000011000100000;
    SPI1BRGL = 50 ;              // 50 gives ~100 kBaud . I don't know what is right or wrong here.
    SPI1BRGH = 00 ;
    SPI1CON2L = 0b0;                    // don't override the mode bits
    SPI1CON1H = 0b0011000000011000;
    SPI1STATLbits.SPIROV = 0;       // not sure what this is for
    SPI1CON1Lbits.SPIEN = 1;        // enable SPI1
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    do  {
     } while ( a<500 );
     SPI1BUFL = 0x2005;              // This sends 0x2005 on the SPI bus. The command is to configure to wake up on either LIN
    do  {
        a = 0;
        do  {
        } while ( a<20000 );
       LATBbits.LATB9 = 0; 

       a = 0;
        do  {
        } while  ( a<20000 );
        LATBbits.LATB9 = 1;
        if (b < 30)
       SPI1BUFL = 0x0350;  // this should reset the NCV7471 watchdog
       SPI1BUFL = 0x0650;  // This should make it sleep
    } while (1);
I think that I have fixed this. I now cleared Status1 register in the NCV7471B before trying to shut down.

I thought that I had tried that before, but I may have not given enough time from sending one word on SPI and sending the next. The two joined-up messages caused a reset of the microcontroller, which is exactly what happened when the clearing of Status1 hadn't happened. Also, I may have incorrectly composed the message that clears Status1.

Status1 in the NCV7471B has flags that says what the wake-up was caused by, and it seems that the NCV7471B won't shut down to sleep mode if those flags aren't cleared.

I have added:-
      SPI1BUFL = 0xA000;              /// reset status1
        a = 0;
        do  {
        } while ( a<500 );

just before sending a second SPI command to shut down the NCV7471B.

I tried clearing the Status1 soon after the processor started. That gave the odd effect where the system would only shut down every second cycle. I think that the signal on LIN that woke the processor continued for some time, past the reset and the clearing of Status1, so the flags in Status1 were set again. Clearing Status1 just before shut-down is now working.
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