I'm working on a circuit that has a couple NE5534's in it. Also a couple LT1057's. Neither one has V+ connected. Below is a picture. Will they work like this?
Some schematics, in order to reduce clutter, don't show the supply pins explicitly connected right at the package, but in a remote corner of the schematic will show all the powered ICs along its decoupling caps.
It is not unusual to see schematics where power connections to ICs (particularly logic gates) are not shown at all. Nevertheless, those connections must be present for the ICs to work.
The datasheet says that it is compensated for a gain equal to or greater than 3 but here its gain is too low at 1.
Its common mode input voltage range is the negative supply plus 3V but here the negative supply is not shown and was not mentioned so it might be 0V which will not work because one or both inputs are at 0V.
Somebody else can look at the datasheet of the other opamp.