here i tried to reproduce the schematics of a 27Mhz transmitter
can you guys plz check if my reproduction is correct (i know you don't have the transmitter in front of you, just say if it can work or not)
and how can i amp it up? can i simply replace the transistors with bigger ones? and maybe up the voltage?
the two inductors (0.22 and 0.78) add up to 1uH which is in parallel with a
33pF capacitor thus 27.72Mhz
the inductor is a specially made one so i had to count the loops and do some imprecise measuring to figure its value
The transistors will never turn on. But if you ever get it to oscillate, it will pollute the entire 10- and 11-meter bands until the radio police find you.
The transistors are drawn sideways and upside down. Looking at them makes me dizzy. I also noticed that the transistors are always turned off and are never turned on.
The c945 doesn't have the base as the middle pin, and when i tried to reproduce it i thought it was the middle pin; after knowing so i simply changed the pins position which i might have done in the wrong way,
i'll recheck the drawing and the datasheet