neckerchief slide ON FIRE!

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Well-Known Member
I got a wild hair last night and decided to build this neckerchief slide. This is a prototype, my second generation will use SMD. This slide uses an 18F1320 DIP
Yes I could have used a smaller chip but I don't know assembly or ?
Only worked with swordfish.
this slide gets showen off at the awards banquet on Tuesday night.
schematic and pc board SMD

My second SMD pcboard. Hopefully have it right.
several vias and first time using SMD resistors etc.


  • campfireneckerchief.PNG
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  • campfireneckerchiefpcb.PNG
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Revised PCboard w/SMD

revised board seeing how I picked thin film instead of thick film resistors (WAY CHEAPER)
made some changes so now its only a 1x board with 2 jumpers.
not real sure about the ICSP edge card but should work?


  • campfire board.PNG
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