Need a discreet view schematic

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New Member
Hello everybody! I'm new to the forum, but not to the world of electronics. I'm currently building a project and I need a little help. I'm designing a remote controlled boat that can tow a small underwater camera. The camera is simple- just a small thing that I can set to play and put it in a clear, water tight container. On the boat itself, I plan to use a microcontroller along with some transistor switches to control the motors and a few other details I'm adding(like an LED to light up the area beneath the boat so the camera can see, for example) I've got a schematic for a serial transmitter and reciever that i plan to use to control the whole thing as well- so I can encode button presses into serial data. The problem is that my serial transmitter/reciever is designed to send info over a cable rather than wireless. I need a really good transmitter that can send serial data and a reciever that can recive that same data. Thanks everybody!

I recently used these in a project:

Xbee 1mW RF Module

They are a drop in replacement for wired UART communication. In my project I set up 2 PICs to exchange data via UART and once everything was working, I disconnected the wires and replaced them with the Xbees. It worked perfectly. They even make higher power versions with longer range. If you're already up to speed on microcontrollers, I personally can't think of an easier way to add wireless communication to your project. Just my $.02.
These are new but to me there better than xbee.

**broken link removed**

I have a couple on order to test, Price is good too
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Thanks for the suggestions. Cobra: I'm particularly intrigued by your suggestion. Please tell me a little about the one you use. What comes with it? If I buy one does it come with both a transmitter and reciever? Or do I need to buy two of them and put one on the remote and one on the boat? The ebay site you pointed me to wasnt too terribly clear on that.
Why not go the commercial route? Surface transmitters and receivers for RC are cheap. You could modify to add all the bells and whistles you want with the MCU. It would avoid the problems of encoding/decoding protocols and license. If you want video, look up FPV (first-person view) for model aircraft.

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