NEED: A Good Resonably Priced "Hot Air Gun For Soldering @ Desoldering QFN Chips"

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NEED: A Good Reasonably Priced "Hot Air Gun For Soldering QFN Chips"

There are so many brands out there I am not sure which ones are good ?

I would like to know which brands work well and will not bankrupt me.

Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated.
What sort of price range do you have in mind? The good-quality brand names like Hakko and Weller are going to be in the hundreds of dollars, so unless you are okay with that, then most of what you will probably want to look at will be hobby-grade generics more than brand names.

For basic hobby purposes, a lot of the generic temperature-controlled ones on ebay and amazon can be had in the $30-40 range. They are sold under various names like Yihua, Youyue, Gaoyue, and others but in reality I think they are just rebranded clones of Hakko hot air guns being sold under generic names. some example models include the 850, 858, 868. There are even models that are combination hot air gun and soldering iron stations.

I recently ordered a "Youyue" 850D for myself just the other day, so if you aren't in a hurry I'll take some pictures of it and maybe open it up to post on here when it arrives. Might be junk for all I know, but I have used some of generic-type soldering iron stations sold under the same brands and have had no complaints with that, and replacement parts and tips are dirt cheap. The generic hot air guns also have cheap extra air nozzles as well.
I think that the "Hobby Grade" type will suit my needs.

Yes I would very much like to see the new "Heat Gun" that you just ordered. Give it a good workout and let me know if its bad or good.

Appreciate your help.
I have one of these:
**broken link removed**

If you look on the interwebs you will see reports of poor/dangerous quality problems.
I thoroughly inspected mine before connecting it to the power and all was OK.

For me it works well for the small amount of smd work that I do.

Sounds great ! I just checked Ebay in the US it selling under the YOUYUE name but its the exact same thing. Can't go wrong for $29 with free shipping.

Thank you very much for helping me Jim.

I got a Hiyua 959D off of Ebay and it work fine for what I do. It looks identical to the YOUYUE one.

Hi Mike & Jim,

I just purchased theYOUYUE 850D from a Ebay seller in New York for $29.

Can't beat that price !
So my 850D arrived in the mail today, and I thought I would post some images:

The full unit out of the box. It's bigger than I thought it would be (about 9.5x7.5x5" or 24x19x13 cm). The holder on the left side did not come attached and had to be screwed on. The manual is all in Chinese.

The inside of the unit. It appears to have proper case grounding to both the main case and the metalwork of the end of the nozzle. I also checked ground continuity with a multimeter and it tested okay. The processor in the socket is an MK1841D3, which is apparently used in a lot of these generic hot air stations. All of the connections in the back and around the switch are smothered in copious amounts of hot-melt glue.

Powering it up for a basic test, it became apparent that the air pump inside this thing is pretty loud. Turning up the airflow all the way made it even louder, but even at max airflow, it didn't seem like all that much air was coming out the end. This is the first one of these that I've owned, so I don't have much to compare it to, but I wasn't super impressed, honestly. A lot of tutorials online seemed to be cautioning to "not turn the airflow up too high or you'll blow the components off the board," but trust me, it didn't seem like that was going to happen with this one. It worked just fine on some heat-shrink tubing, but I had a bit of trouble unsoldering an 8 pin IC from the bottom of a random board I had laying around. Whether it was due to low airflow or my own lack of experience, I'm not sure. I'll be curious to see what Radiotek thinks of his when it arrives.


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Just a note about the 850D. I had commented that the pump was very loud, but after reading through the manual and attempting to translate it with optical character recognition (and mostly failing), I realized that the pump appears to be secured to the case with an extra screw for transportation in addition to the rubber grommets holding it into the case. If I understand the manual correctly (trust me, I don't) the screw is meant to secure the pump while it is being shipped, but is supposed to be taken out afterwards or else the pump will vibrate the case of the whole station. I took the screw out and suddenly it got WAY quieter.

Here is the completely gibberish translation I got for this:

"Use before work
L loose diaphragm pump screw pump screw
Loose 85oD breasts at the bottom of the pump snail
Bing silk (Mleo Department I color). No play can be alfalfa
Caused by heavy weight week o b
Pump screw two
Pump Securing Screw

2 lotus wandering the spirit of the mine with the size of the match from the copper soul
The FP puller is equipped with a small thunder gland (l4 mm), but may need to be raised
(30 mm). The eye in accordance with the size of the thunderbolt,
3 succeeded in collecting the snow buried in the size of the pupil with the pupil"
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