need a good router,any suggestions

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can't stand belkin stuff (cheap stuff and every single bit of belkin equip I have ever bought [and it was quite alot] has always failed within 3months)

I have a NetgearG834GT wired/wireless outer+adsl2 modem and it is GREAT!!!, easy to software tweak as well. Played around with the SnR and got an extra 2mbps download out of it (and stable)

If my memory serves me right it was a newer 15" sony CRT(forget what year), yes i know they make parts, but just about the entire board was mishumi parts, it wasn't labeled at all, except for the model #. Looked more like a damn sanyo than a sony. They're getting cheap anymore, hell I owned a sony VCR a couple years ago, the menu(main) IC was shot. It wasn't lightening I always disconnect external sources everytime we get a lightning storm. Pretty much it was beyond repair because the specialty parts cost more to order than buying a new one. Then after repairing about 8 playstation 2's I kinda lost hope in the company, nothing like overpriced crap! and yes playstation is a one giant piece, i wouldn't be surprised if PS3 is just as crappy.

If it was a genuine Sony product?, and wasn't made by Sony, then it's presumably USA specific? - probably just pandering to the American market for cheaper and cheaper junk.

As for your VCR, I suspect you completely mis-diagnosed the problem, assuming it was made by Samsung (as all recent European Sony VCR's have been), then it just needed the mempry resetting - a simple procedure from the remote control. To give a permanent cure though, the main microprocessor requires replacing, but these are available at VERY low cost.

As for PlayStation's, it's not a Sony UK product, it's Sony USA, and nothing to do with Sony UK

the one i priced was around $130 bucks if i remember, its been awhile ago, bout the price of a nice new one, or hell even a DVD player back then. Yes we do have a bunch of cheap chinese junk over here, sometimes they just slap a namebrand on crap just to sell it for twice as much, gotta love it.
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