need a locking switch circuit

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New Member
i need a switch circuit so when a switch is pushed, an LED lights up and remains on until a reset button is pressed. there will be 2 wires going to the circuit (+ and -) but i would like to have a return signal tot he main circuit thru one of these cables (rather than have a 3rd cable. as for the retun i was thinkin of makin the switch circuit part run from 6V and have the - going back to the circuit trigger the main circuit with the ramaining 6v (if u understand what i mean).
any1 know how i can make the switch part and would the way of having the return thru the - cable work?

Andrew, I read your post three times but still cannot make any sense of it :?
Care to re-write it a little bit clearer?

For example, where is the pushbutton switch, the LED, the main circuit located in relation to each other? IOW, between what parts is the 2 core cable?
Also, what's the return signal for?
I think all you are looking for is a basic set-reset flip flop, but again, I didn't inderstand most of your post, so I'm not sure.

Maybe is you drew a block diagram showing where you want everything in relation to everything else it would make it a bit clearer.
hopefully ull be able to understand this a bit better.

i have a circuit board with a 12v psu and 4 LEDS. there are to be 4 switches located away from the main board. what i need is when i press switch A, it lights an LED next to the switch and also send a signal back to the main board lighting LED A. i also want to have only 1 pair of cables going to the switch. as fo switching, i need to to have 2 PTM switchs so when 1 switch is pressed, the LED lights and will remain lit (even if the on button is pressed again) until the reset button is pressed
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