Need a replacement oscilloscope for cheap:

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My Tektronix TDS-360 scope's channel 1 has failed fully so only the channel 2 input works, however I need a scope with at least 2 working channels for under $300. Any offers or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance -Ray; KD2JID
I've bought a new Siglent sds1202x-e.
Very nice Scope with 2 Channels up to 200MHz + FFT an Protocol decoding for USART, CAN, LIN and I2C.
In Germany You can get it for about 380,-€. Often such Things in US are cheaper.
The sds1102 should have a few Bug's, so i wouldn't buy it.

The RIGOL DS1202Z-E should be good too, but have only one Rotary Switch for both Channels.

You can get Scopes under 300,-€ but they'll have not so much Features.
An Example is the OWON SDS1102 with 100MHz that's about 250,-€
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