need a x5 frequency multiplier for a 0 to 300hz signal, 4046 plus what do I need?

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New Member
Hi guys

for a car project I need the old road speed signal 5 times multiplied in order to get the newer engine ECU to read out the correct speed.

The original signal is from about 0hz to about 300hz, and it needs to be multiplied 5 times.

I found some info about the 4046 PLL and a 5x divider to get the job done, but I can't really find a complete schematic to get the job done..

Is there anyone out here who has a scheme for me?

Thanks in advance!
You can't go down to zero frequency with a PLL. You could do maybe 30 - 300 Hz, which should cover the range you need.

You will need an oscillator that can be voltage controlled over the range that you need, which would be 150 - 1500 Hz.
ok, that's no problem, 50 to 300hz input would be good to, as long as the output will be about 100 to at least 1000hz

the 4060 should be able to do this, it needs a divider by 5 I believe in order to multiply the signal.

what divider should I use and how to hook it up?
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