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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Need an Way to jam or disrupt a Close CircuiteCamara

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New Member
I need a way to disable a close circuite camera for a proyect. If some one has a squematic to bild such a divice please make a post ... Remember it needs to jam or disable tha ccc for the time that the divice is active thanks... :D [/code]
uhh dont know the idea behind this or the legalities of the motive... but i think a 1 million candle power spotlight would work well...
The porpuse of this project is to disable a camara that is in a close circuite. The problem is that i need to disable it in a way that my profesor dosn't hear or se any ting...wy is this :? i dont now. the ting is y have to explain the proses ... ani ideas :roll:
Ok the problem is that the camera is childed and if i hit it whit a paitball gun he wold clen it . its my neighborg he thinks he is a spy and the old man has to camaras in the front of the house and one in the back an the one in the back is just pointed at may window. and the bloody thing has a circuite that if y use a laser pointer it only will lock like a small black dot.
The oder thing is that it has a special leens or someting that detects heat and can se even if te window is i yust want some privaci.
please dos some one noes a way to disable it whit a pulse a wave or sometingh that is not to complicated. cant cut the power the wires go inside of the house...

Squematicss or disings are all absepted..please help me get my privaci back ...thanks 8)
it means it has a frigin metal case aroun it an y cant hit it...bealive me if it were to bandalismo (breaking it) i had don'it a long time ago ok :twisted:

man dos some one have an original idea ... i want a private life in may god dam home :x ...plesea help
I haded a friend that made some kind of remote that disable for a period of time a ccc. He just pointed to te camara and the camara imaje will go black. And he made a other divice that cancel the signal of the anti theft tingh in products like in wallmart etc. can some one tel me how is this posible? :?
Make a short circuit so that the FID switch trigers and therefore cuting of all the electicety in the house(there may be a seperete fast one for the bath room )

Or youst ge a gun and try your aming at cameras! :twisted:
I have a .50 caliber high power sniper but that makes a lot of noise and that will atract a lot of people...y ned some ting y can use from a distanse not so great and dost implicate me or someting... ?

and an other cuestion ? Can i get a cool invention from a microwave oven? y have a dismanteld one here and was wondering if y can get someting out of it :idea:
That would almost certainly knock the camera offline (probably permanently). Your gonna have to find a way to turn the microwave oven on with the door open.
Hi War-Head,

vertical slit blinds can be angled,
so that the view is only compromised
from one direction,
while being reasonable in the other directions.

The view to the right as shown is almost unrestricted,
and straight ahead,
but the view to the left is blocked by the blind.
If you want to look to the left, just push it aside.

But the camera cannot see into the room.
I realise this is not what you want, but its easy
and will keep your privacy.

It might be possible to ask a solicitor to send a
simple letter asking that the camera be re-positioned
or physically prevented from viewing neighbours windows
as it is unlawful. (dunno what your laws are, but i
would guess there are some about privacy)

Regards, John :)


  • Blind.jpg
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If enogh IR light is sent directly into the camera the whole picture goes white(it dosent work whith all the cameras some have IR filters).

Poiting one IR diode at my webcam was enugh to blid it

This dosent damege the camera.

A good idea to fry the camera whith microwaves (but its deangures!)

What abaot building a class II E-Bomb the electromagnetic shoch at this cass fries all digital electronic and deletes data from disks miles awey :twisted: (yust kiding,you cod get in ALOT and ALOT of truble)

For the stupedist:
Frow roks at it.
i m lost....

Hi, sorry i m very confused to what u want to do...

first u say

"The porpuse of this project is to disable a camara that is in a close circuite. The problem is that i need to disable it in a way that my profesor dosn't hear or se any ting...wy is this i dont now"

then u say

"its my neighborg he thinks he is a spy and the old man has to camaras in the front of the house and one in the back an the one in the back is just pointed at may window"

in my vocabulary, a profesor is a teacher... so there fore ur saying that ur teacher is the old man who is ur neighbor....?!?!?!?!?!?!

u sure the old man is not a pedophile or some like that ??? why would he pointed his camera equiped with temeperature sensor at ur window??

anyway, I sugest that u call the human rights organizatoin near ur place and explaint them the situation...that the old man is violating ur privacy

or u can call the police near ur house and tell them the sitation

or u can do the same to a camara and make sure u point urs so he can see that u doing the same thing and let him feel what u feel...

or, u can cover the camera with a plastic bag

P.S: what happen to ur friend with his device ?? if u get news of him lemme know i have some question to ask...ddont worry i m not from the cops...but curious about how the cctv works...if the box is shielded and has thermal sensor, and if its has only a cable as connection a wireless device can make it go crazy?

have a good day 8)
Camera jammer

Ok, depending on where you live this might be illegal. But if you dont care, here is how you do it. The device I would use will not only short circiut his camera but also fry any computer in the general direction, We're talking a directional microwave beam:twisted: . I would first ask him to point it somewhere else and if he does not respect your privacy than this means war! Find a old microwave oven, and remove the magnatron tube from it, you will also need the transformer and large capacitor. Now, if your scared of high voltage dont attempt this project. Bascially all you need to do is construct a metal horn(like an openended box) in such a matter so you can direct the uWaves. I used copper sheet in my experiment. I will email you the basic schematics if you wish. Just remember this thing can be dangerous if you don't construct if right.
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