Need Data Sheet For LCD

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New Member
Hi Everbody,

I'm looking for a data sheet for a,
Data Vision P129-4A Lcd, they don't seem to have a web site? or i just can't find it.

Help is greatly appreciated
P129-4A is the number screened on the PCB, right? Unfortunately, that's not the display model number... just a board number.

I have several Datavision datasheets in my library. If you can determine the model number of the display that you have, I may be able to help you. Some things that need to be known to ID the display:
  • type -- character or graphic display
  • if character type:[list:9d15c3e2f8]
  • character format -- e.g. caracters x lines
  • character font -- e.g. character dots W x character dots H
  • whether display is with or without a cursor
  • character size -- W x H in mm
  • dot size -- W x H in mm
[*]if graphic type:
  • dot format -- e.g. dots W x dots H
  • dot pitch -- W x H in mm
  • dot size -- W x H in mm
[*]module size -- W x H x T in mm[*]view area -- W x H x T in mm[/list:u:9d15c3e2f8]
Post back with that info and let's see if we can help you...
thanks chris

Its a character display
16x2 lines
7x5 characters
with cursor
Its got backlight EL

module is 70 x 26 x 7
view area is 15 x 65
PCB size is 80 x 35

other info on the LCD are as follows

Also printed on the PCB
0137 94V-0

there is also a sticker on the LCD driver, is SMD type

even though i think it has no relevance to the LCD type

Thanks Alot
Sounds like a standard display, I found this:
**broken link removed**

Look under the sticker, what is printed on the chip?
How many hookup pins are there?


its covered in that black IC stuff, its not actually SMD, its a blob, there are approx. 94 tracks coming from underneath though.

The data on the *.pdf, seems alright, i haven't blown it up yet... :lol:

Almost all LCD text modules are based on the Hitachi chip set, so you generally don't need a specific data sheet.

There are some details in my PIC tutorial, all you basically need to know, there's also a link to the EPE website where they have a useful LCD supplement you can download, this was published in the magazine in about 1997.
need help urgently.

Hi, my name is Hussain Ageel..
I've an LCD and its name is YJ-162A. i tried to find it from internet, but havent found anything yet.
can you please help me?
Hi, my name is Hussain Ageel..
I've an LCD and its name is YJ-162A. i tried to find it from internet, but havent found anything yet.
can you please help me?
It is probably the same as this module. I observed that several helpful folks have uploaded pointers to sites which no longer exist. Hopefully this will no longer be a problem now that we have a real copy on this site.


  • JHD162A%20SERIES.pdf
    552 KB · Views: 1,701
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