need datasheet

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Could not upload the Whole Manual so here is the Schematic section of the Service Manual.


  • GMX742_942_Schematic.pdf
    883.9 KB · Views: 948
Don't you hate it when a single post Member has us look for something but, never checks back to see the fruits of our labor?
I spent 2 hours looking for INFO on this Chip and for what?
hotwaterwizard said:
Don't you hate it when a single post Member has us look for something but, never checks back to see the fruits of our labor?
I spent 2 hours looking for INFO on this Chip and for what?
Yeah! I'll bet that sometimes they forget to bookmark the forum, and can't find their way back. Sometimes, they get the answer elsewhere, or lose interest, but in either case are too rude to come back and close the thread.
Looks like they've disabled emails from members, perhapps a mod should intervene and send him an email.
Hero999 said:
Looks like they've disabled emails from members, perhapps a mod should intervene and send him an email.
You can PM him, but if he did not enable email notification of PMs, that won't work either.
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