need few projects as beginner plz suggest

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Everyone has their own way of starting projects, so I'd like to give the first I experienced: using PICs. See this page. It depends on your interest actually, if you take an electronics course you should have a rough idea.

Good luck.
Well, An Audio Amplifier circuit is pretty simple!!!(I've just built one today)
This circuit can be used as a headphone amplifier!!!(Supplied off batteries/battery pack, could EASILY be pocket friendly)


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In my humble opinion, a simple variable DC power supply is the first stepping stone. Everything you design/build will need power so it seems a logical place to start. Google DC power supply projects, and see what is offered, and read up on the fundamentals. You could even search the archives on this site for designs.

Good Luck!
In my humble opinion, the last project you need to make is a variable power supply. I have produced thousands of projects over the past 40 years and used a power supply less than 5 times.
Batteries are a much better choice. They don't introduce hum, have current limiting and are a true representation of how the project will be powered. I have seen so many workers get false readings due to a power supply introducing "earthing" or hum.
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Gosh colin you're right...what the heck was I thinking. Just buy lots and lots of batteries for the next 40 years and buy stock in Duracell.

I bought a battery charger from Aldi today for $6.99 and the rechargeable cells are $2.50 each.
Do yo really know what you are talking about?
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