Need Guidance

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Hi this is Srinidhi. I am doing a mini project "Line Follower", I am newbie with microcontroller. I would like to know which microcontroller would be optimal? However it should be economically feasibile and able to modify code program.
Hi this is Srinidhi. I am doing a mini project "Line Follower", I am newbie with microcontroller. I would like to know which microcontroller would be optimal? However it should be economically feasibile and able to modify code program.

Hi Srinidhi,

Welcome to the forum. It's not easy to say which microcontroller is optimal since there a large number of them which could do the job. These days the PIC series of chips is very popular and you would have no trouble finding people who use them to help you. Almost any PIC would be up to the job; a simple line follower doesn't need much processing power.

However, I'm going to guess (and forgive me if I'm wrong) that you're in India, and we often have guests from India say that PICs are hard to find there. You could also use an 8051 chip to do the job. 8051s are older technology and from what I've read, you might have an easier time finding and buying an old AT89C4051 than a PIC if you are in India. Then again, I think that if you're in a major city you should probably be able to find just about anything (although I've never been to India so I don't know for sure).

It will help people answer your question if you fill in the "location" information in your forum user settings.

Anyway, almost any microcontroller you can buy these days will be able to do it. In this case, I would say "optimal" probably means "able to do the job but not so overpowered that you're just wasting money".

Sorry I can't be of more help but without knowing what you can easily buy it's again not an easy question to answer. And I have a headache.

Cheers, and good luck,

Hi Torben
Thanx for reply. Yup I am in India. In my belief finding a PIC will not be a difficult task. I believe its available. I looked into, I felt 8bit PIC18F series would be good (Pls correct me if I am wrong). But I would like to know if AT89C2051 is good enough? I would be thankfull to u if can clear my dilemma.
They are both good enough for a small robot. Microchip and Atmel are a horse apiece.
They are both good enough for a small robot. Microchip and Atmel are a horse apiece.

Agreed. I haven't used the AT89C2051 but I have used the AT89C4051, which is just the same thing with 2k more memory. But you'll probably find that more people on this forum are familiar with the PIC so that might tip the scales in favour of the PIC for you. Other than that, you can do the job with either one.


Edit: I should point out that the PIC18F will have more features than the AT89Cx051 and is a somewhat more modern chip, but a line follower doesn't really require anything too advanced.
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PIC18F will have more features than the AT89Cx051 and is a somewhat more modern chip, but a line follower doesn't really require anything too advanced.

Hi Torben,
I understand that AT89Cx051 is sufficient enough for a line follower. I have another doubt.. How can we write code to this MCU, do i require any hw kit? Pls give a bit info on this. Thanks in advance
creating a simple line follower is easy you can use a pic16f84 or pic16f628 microcontroller and you can find how to program it at Programming PIC16F84 | ICPEP and you can have 2 sensors that fits on each side of the line like this |o o| "o" as the sensor and the pipe is the sides of your line and you can just compare the 2. like if both are high then you can forward else turn on the side that is low. Sensors are no problem at all you can simply use a dark either of light and dark switch and the output depends on how you will program the microcontroller.
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