Need help About Atmega8L

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New Member
Hello to all
Can somebody help me,I need a adapter from atmega 8L(smd) to DIL 28 ordinary socket for Atmega8
Something like on the picture
Please help


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What type of help do you need?

The ATmega8L smd has 32 pins, so a 28-pin DIL adapter might not be easy to find.
Does the Mega 8 have a DIP package?
Hello blueroomelectronicsl
I want to build one project,but there is used Atmega8 PDIP,I have Atmel8L smd MLF,so I need a adapter for my atmel8L,pins from Atmel 8 PDIP to go on Atmel8L MLF.I need a pcd board.Please help


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And they also don't have the adapter. So either you're going to have to find a different store or ask the shopkeeper to order one in.
The ATmega8L smd is 32 pins and the ATMega8L PDip is 28 pins. And there is not room between the rows of a PDip for the smd ATMega8L, so the adapter has to be at least 0.600" wide to accommodate the part. The adapter is not likely to exist. You could make a PDIP version by hanging a board off to the side I suppose.

It mystifies me that the OP asks us to find something that might not even exist anywhere in the world. This same person is unwilling to look outside his own local store in search of a PDIP that is almost everywhere.

And won't bother to tell us where that local store is.
J know that this kind of adapter do not exsist,but I need someone to make for me a pcb where atmel8L will be conected to atmel8 ordinary socket, is not need to be insade the socket,It's ok to be above DIL28 socket,below any where its posible,just to be conection pins in right way.
So you are looking outside of your village for an adapter. Why not look the same way for an ATmega8L PDIP instead?

Many of us know how to create an adapter. If you have enough money you might convince me to make one. It costs hundreds to make a new PCB design, prototype, build, verify, and test. HOWEVER when you pay me for an adapter I reserve the right to simply take a 28-pin PDIP ATmega8L out of my kit and send the PDIP part to you instead. (I will keep the rest of the money).

You will have an ATmega8L that fits in a PDIP socket and I will be rich.
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nice idea...
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