need help about USB microcontroller

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I need help about implementing a USB Digital Thermometer (from

I am a newbie about microcontrollers but I already made some researches. My question is, to program a microcontroller, do you really need a programming kit? Or is this kind of microcontroller doesn't need one?

Cypress has already sent me the CY7C63001 USB µcontroller needed for the project and my idea right now is (based on the not so detailed instructions from the article in, for a test, 1) follow the schematic diagram by implementing it first with a breadboard, 2) connect it through a USB port 3) then compile the needed codes using a Java compiler... Is that it?
Will the project work just by that? or do I need something more?

What if the code won't work? Do I need an EPROM eraser since that µcontroller's memory is EPROM?

Please help. Thanks.
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I don't know about USB and programming directly from that.

EPROM erasers are never needed for modern microcontrollers. They are all now EEPROM which is electrically erasable programable read only memory.

EPROM is the old technology that uses ceramic IC packages with windows so that UV can get to the IC and erase it.
That link is no good. You might check the Cypress website for a development board that uses that chip. You may be able to download a schematic and software for that board.
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