Need Help. Bistable Multivibrator.

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New Member
What is the common and easy to do application of bistable multivibrator? I really need suggestions of the simple application.
you want to make a flip flop?

no sir, what I'm up to is the application of the transistor bistable multivibrator, for example is the flashing led using transistor bistable multivibrator, something like that, I really need ideas here.
no sir, what I'm up to is the application of the transistor bistable multivibrator, for example is the flashing led using transistor bistable multivibrator, something like that, I really need ideas here.

That's an ASTABLE, not a BISTABLE.
uhm, is that a astable circuit? That's just my guess, I ddn't know that it's a astable circuit, that's why I'm asking suggestions for the bistable.
A bistable circuit has two stable states. An astable (multivibrator) circuit oscillates between two states. The term bistable multivibrator is a contradiction in terms.
uhm, there is this 555 ic timer as bistable, i already know the circuit, but can I convert it to a transistor bistable? If so, please tell me how.

Is this what you are looking for? Compare to the 555.


  • 555bist.gif
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  • toggle.gif
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  • bistable.gif
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