Need help building a basic circuit with gates.

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I need help building a circuit. I think it isnt really compex, but I just dont get it how it should be done. I made a truthtable to explain how it should work. Table made with exel and paint, but it should be readable.

Using these basic ports. NOT OR NOR NAND AND XOR XNOR.

1-6 Inputs
Y1-Y6 Outputs

I bet you can figure this out for me.

With best regards Amatheas


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This looks like classwork. My policy is not to hand you an answer. What are having trouble with?
Well it does look like a classwork or homework, but it isnt. Anyways. I dont how build a circuit that exterminates the previous input. To clear things up. If I input 2 = 1 how it makes output Y1 = 0. That's the problem. I can make it work to input 1 and 2. But soon as I start to work on input 3 the whole thing collapses into randomness.

Im not the best at writing english and if you have any problems to understand what Im trying to say ask about it.
If I input 2 = 1 how it makes output Y1 = 0. That's the problem. I can make it work to input 1 and 2. But soon as I start to work on input 3 the whole thing collapses into randomness.

Y1 = 1 and not Y2. Y2 = 2 and not Y3. Etc.
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Yup, now it works. The circuit is now a part of my seven segment display encoder thingy.
Thanks to everyone for the help.

Tho I didnt clearly undestand what BrownOut ment with this "1 = 1 and not Y2. Y2 = 2 and not Y3. Etc.", but it gave me an idea.

In the picture the 7-segment shows a number 4.


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