Need help communicating with transciever

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I'm planning on using a 16F (prob the 16f818 since I'm comfortable with it) to interface with an MRF49XA (radio transciever). I'm a little confused about how I actually get it to work.

Data sheet link:

On page 22 of the data sheet when its talking about the GENCREG it says "The command code bits (100000000b) are sent serially to the microcontroller to identify the bits to be written to the GENCREG."

It pretty much says this kinda thing for all the registers, but why does it say it is sent to the microcontroller? I thought I'd select the CS pin and then clock FROM the MICROCONTROLLER TO the MRF49XA b'10000000 and then clock the configuration bits in. In simple words, I'm saying "Hey MRF49XA, this is the micro controller. I'm talking to your GENCREG. Now put these bits in there." The data sheet, however, seems to indicate that upon power up the MRF49XA serially sends its OWN register address to the uC and then the uC has to recongize this and then clock in the appropriate configuration bits. Which is it?

After it is initialized, do I address the registers in the same way?

If I was only transmitting with one unit, and I wanted to ignore any interrupt requests, would I ever have to worry about receiving data from the MRF?

Can I just use a set of quick delays with setting and clearing the port that is tied to SCLK on the MRF49XA to generate my clock signal?

Are there any examples of using an MRF49XA in ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE? There is a C example, but I have never used C.

Thanks for the help ladies and gents!
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