Need Help.Converting assembler to C

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New Member
İ need help about this Circuit.i have to do this project.But i dont know anything about Assembler but my C knowladge is little good.Is there anybody can help me about this situation?

Because if i want to change something in circuit i have to know what's the meaning of code.But unfortunately i don't know assembler.

everything in file wich i uploaded to rapid.

thanks for help.

**broken link removed**


  • isikontroldeneme1.asm
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Last edited: currently working on a robotics project,"MICROMOUSE MAZE SOLVING".i have used atmega16 microcontroller.along with this i have an lcd display unit and lcd display is conected to portc 4-7.i need to read the adc outputs in my LCD display.since my adc is an 10 bit resolution,how do i access them in the four pins of portc.i dont get any apt c code to tranfer them.pls help
dude since it was your first post i dont think anyone is going to do your work for you. Also if you know C at any rate you can convert that in a matter of time.

C is easier than asm but it uses all the same stuff. From ASM to C should be easier than C to ASM.

All ASM is in datasheet.

I see alot of "BCF PORTC,RW"

Data sheet says BCF = Bit Clear (F)

Where F is the Regiter Bit. So clear PortC, RW in C would be

RW = 0;

and RW is defined as "RW EQU 0"

#define RW PORTCbits.RC0

The above examples work in C18
Thats all im going to help with just becuase i dont see any issue of why you cant do it yourself.

Sorry if im sounding mean but people come here expecting slaves.. aka free workers. Thats not the case with some but many. If you cant do this then you need to learn some ASM.

If you dont know how to use ASM in small parts at least to convert some of this then you learned to walk before you can crawl and oops! you just fell because you was not will to take it from the top.

Again no mean intent intended.
Thanks for all advices.i made some solutions about my work.
i wrote C codes but i need to know more. i want to connect 4x4 Numpad to enter set temperature.Like the example which i posted first and which made with assembler.

would you help me about it.

#include <pic.h>
#include <delay.c>
#include <lcd.c>
#include <stdio.h>

// eklenen kısım
#define mavi RB4
#define sari RB5
#define kirmizi RB6
#define dene RB7

main (void)
// Değişken tanımlamaları
const float lsb=5.0/1024.0;
unsigned char gerilim, ust, alt;
float sicaklik;
unsigned char sonuc[]="SICAKLIK = "; 
// Port konfigürasyonu
TRISB=0; // PORTB çıkış  
TRISA=1; // RA0 analog giris
// Ön LCD işlemleri
DelayMs(250); // 250ms bekle
lcd_init(); // LCD’yi hazırla 
lcd_clear(); // LCD'yi temizle
// ADC ayarları
ADCON1=0x8E; // AN0 analog giriş
ADCON0=0x41; // A/D aktif 

// A/D çevrimi başlat 
// Dönüşümün bitmesini bekle
// Dönüşüm sonucunu kaydet
// Sıcaklık bilgisini oluştur
// eklenen kısım

if(sicaklik<20){ mavi=1; sari=0; kirmizi=0; dene=0;}
if(sicaklik>=20 && sicaklik<30){sari=1; mavi=0; kirmizi=0; dene=0;}
if(sicaklik>=30){kirmizi=1; sari=0; mavi=0; dene=1;}
// Tam ve ondalık kısımları ayır
// LCD’ye yazdırma işlemlerini yap
sprintf(sonuc+11,"%d.%dC ",ust,alt);
// 1. satıra geç ve LCD’ye yaz
lcd_puts("LCD Termometre"); 
// 2. satıra geç ve sıcaklık değerini yaz
// Biraz bekle ve ekranı temizle  
} // Ölçümü tekrarla
} // Programın sonu


  • adsız.JPG
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I will help if you edit that above post and erase the code there and paste the code back into it using the code tag like below. Just remove the spaces from within the [] brackets. This way i and others can read the code better

[ code ] Code HERE[ /code ]
this is what i'm trying to do.

when the temperature below 20 degree blue led will be on.and motor is stop mode.

between 20 and 30 yellow will be turn on. when above 30 degree red led will be on and motor on too.

but there is something i want to add numpad..
click to star (*) enter a set temperature.if it is below from measured degree nothing gonna happen.but if it is above 5 degree motor will turn but if it measured degree is 10 or more degrees higher than set degree motor will turn more speedly.

i want to control speed of motor.


  • xxx.JPG
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This looks nicer and more readable. Now i cant follow that language but ill try to help still.

#include <pic.h>
#include <delay.c>
#include <lcd.c>
#include <stdio.h>

// eklenen k?s?m
#define mavi RB4
#define sari RB5
#define kirmizi RB6
#define dene RB7

main (void)
                                                // Deg(is,ken tan?mlamalar?
    const float lsb=5.0/1024.0;
    unsigned char gerilim, ust, alt;
    float sicaklik;
    unsigned char sonuc[]="SICAKLIK = ";
                                                // Port konfigürasyonu
    TRISB=0;                                    // PORTB ç?k?s,
    TRISA=1;                                    // RA0 analog giris
                                                // Ön LCD is,lemleri
    DelayMs(250);                               // 250ms bekle
    lcd_init();                                 // LCD’yi haz?rla
    lcd_clear();                                // LCD'yi temizle
                                                // ADC ayarlar?
    ADCON1=0x8E;                                // AN0 analog giris,
    ADCON0=0x41;                                // A/D aktif

                                                // A/D çevrimi bas,lat
                                                // Dönüs,ümün bitmesini bekle
                                                // Dönüs,üm sonucunu kaydet
                                                // S?cakl?k bilgisini olus,tur

// eklenen k?s?m

        if(sicaklik<20){ mavi=1; sari=0; kirmizi=0; dene=0;}
        if(sicaklik>=20 && sicaklik<30){sari=1; mavi=0; kirmizi=0; dene=0;}
        if(sicaklik>=30){kirmizi=1; sari=0; mavi=0; dene=1;}
// Tam ve ondal?k k?s?mlar? ay?r
                                                // LCD’ye yazd?rma is,lemlerini yap
        sprintf(sonuc+11,"%d.%dC ",ust,alt);
                                                // 1. sat?ra geç ve LCD’ye yaz
        lcd_puts("LCD Termometre");
                                                // 2. sat?ra geç ve s?cakl?k deg(erini yaz
                                                // Biraz bekle ve ekran? temizle
    }                                           // Ölçümü tekrarla
}                                               // Program?n sonu
if you can translate that would be nice. Sorry ive been busy reading something but ill take time to help in a minute
This looks nicer and more readable. Now i cant follow that language but ill try to help still.
niCE! thanks ill try my best to help you out. Just give me some time. Its lunch.

but i was reading and what you want to do seems simple. I dont know anything about motor control but i can get you etup with the * to set temp and the testing of temp to the set temp and seperate functions depending on temp.(temp = temperature)
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