need help designing on/off switch to control computer speakers

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New Member
let me first say that i know very little about electronics. forgive the elementary question(s). any help would be much appreciated.

i have a pair of computer speakers (audioengine A2s) that have an on/off switch at the rear of the left speaker, which is inconvenient to get to. i'd like to make (or buy) something that plugs in between the speakers' power plug (standard 3 prong plug that goes into the wall - 120V) and the wall outlet. i'd like to be able to disconnect the power of the speakers at will with a small on/off switch. the whole point of this is to be able to turn the speakers on/off with a switch placed in a more convenient position.

is this something i can buy? if so, where? if i have to build this what materials would i need, how would i assemble them, and where could i get the parts?


This type of gadget works OK.
remote controlled mains outlet - Google Product Search

Google for: remote controlled mains outlet
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