Need Help! Digital Step Counter

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New Member
i need to make a digital step counter, it counts the number of steps of a person.
i see this diagram on the net.

Digital Step-Km Counter - RED - Page9

my question is how to make this a 3 7-segment display and remove the sounds and use only one push button for reset. thanks for your help and sorry for the bad English.
Here is how to add a third digit and get rid of the sound.


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sir ccurtis,
can i have another question?
what is another alternative for mercury switch coz i cant find it in our market.
Oh my, that is a challenge. Maybe fashion a pair of stiff stainless steel wires inside a small container with a very low mass stainless steel ball inside (like you might find in a bicycle wheel bearing), so that the ball shorts the contacts together when the container is tilted. Stainless steel tends not to corrode much in an exposed environment, but sealing the container from the environment will limit corrosion over time.
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