Need Help finishing off BreadBoard Circuit (please help)

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New Member
Hey guys ive been making a fire (well smoke) alarm over the past few weeks for a school project using a Diagram which a nice guy called nigel gave to me

I wanna fit a Bulb onto here and My alarm . and ive been told my relay isnt finished (Need to add a switch to that aswell)

My Bulb is 12v
Ive got Push to Make/Break switches
and I got a Piezo Alarm siren (None are on this pic)

Here is my circuit so far
**broken link removed**

The Light Dark 741 at the bottom of this page

(wont allow right clicking MAJOR PAIN )

**broken link removed**

Sourced that pic

I need to know how to attack the components ive not done yet and for if you could please see if you can see any faults with it , i know the pic isnt great i will take a better one later

Please help me ;0)

Dont quite know what you mean by use a 12V lamp

The bulb i got is 12V (9v dont exsist aprently?)

the relay is going to be used to act as a switch (when i work out how to wire it

this is where i need help , i really need to have this done by 2morro
Sorry to bump this but i really know how where to put in the Alarm and the Bulb etc

I know this is boring but youd be doing me a massive favour
Does this solve your problem? I don't really know what the problem is.


  • relay_103.jpg
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