need HELP for electives. please.

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New Member
we need help regarding on how we will create our project in electives.

our assigned project is RFID controlled turnstile with breathalyzer and metal detector. we are having problems on how we will integrate the 3 major components, the RFID, breathalyzer and metal detector.
we also need help on what programming language to use. and if we will create it as stand-alone or PC controlled.

what do you think? how will we create it ? we REALLY nedd your help. thank you
I think you need to start at the beginning.

Starting with 3 sensors you need to interface them to either a uC (PIC) or to a computer. Starting with the sensors you need to choose what outputs you want from the sensors. The RFID is pretty straight forward but the remaining two you need to place some thought into. So you start with the RFID SENSOR and move along to the BREATHALYZER SENSOR and finally find a metal detector. Google is your friend for sensors.

The sensor outputs need to be interfaced to a piece of hardware be it a uC or a DIO device. You need to decide which (uC or PC) interface is best for your application. The programming language is a matter of choice. You need to collectively place your thoughts on a plain white piece of paper and work from there. Thus begins a decision making process based on what you actually want. Think!

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