Need help for induction cooker/ heater

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Does anyone have a simple circuit of induction cooker/ heater? I got a 400KHZ 60KW but the parts are very expensive and to hard to find.

400KHZ 60KW

Triode YD1172 - $1249.99

Thanks in advance,
Are you serious? 60 kw is the same order of magnitude as a 60 hp motor.

It is unlikely that this can be done simply and inexpensively with easy to find parts - unless your definition of simple, inexpensive and easy to find is quite different than my own.
Here's my circuit. Can somebody give me a much more simpler than this. Says 2.5kw

Thanks in advance


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It could hardly be any simpler, there's next to nothing there! - but you've also drawn it wrong!.
To expand on what is wrong with the circuit:

The anode voltage is rated at 7.2 kV maximum, so 6 to 8 kV will not do.

The thing which I assume to be your cathode current meter is likely to be fried by the 130amp filament current.

There are no DC paths to either the anode or the grid.

As drawn, it is not going to work.

Induction Heating

Hi every one, since it's my first post, let me introduce myself.

First I'm from Québec/Canada, french speakig so excuse my english.
Computer technician and electronic addict.

Now here's what i need.

I'm currently working at an induction heater for my purpose of casting parts( robotic)
I did quite well with a static circuit but want to achieve a feedback loop so the resonant frequency adjust itself as the metal cruciform come in the work coil.
PLL is not really my force.
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