need help for my robot

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New Member
Hello everyone,
Iam trying to build a boebot robot
using bs2 microcontroller and white breadboard
I connect the microcontroller, servo motors to breadboard
and tried to make it move but it is not show any action
I want to build an education board using breadboard
The program in bs2 is fine, but the problem is in hardware, does it need more equipment
I want to know how to build my own board of education?
how can I do that, any helpful links?
can any one help me?


  • DSC00497.JPG
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I connect the servo motors to 4 AA battries to produce 6v
and connect the VCC(VDD) pin of microcontroller to 3 AA battries 4.5v
as mentioned in BS2 manual :
5-volt DC input/output: if an unregulated voltage is applied to the
VIN pin, then this pin will output 5 volts. If no voltage is applied to
the VIN pin, then a regulated voltage between 4.5V and 5.5V
should be applied to this pin.
but it is not working yet, why?
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