Need help getting started with IR project

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New Member
I would like to build a Pic-based ir remote control that I can easily reprogram based on other remotes or their hex codes. I've seen projects for controlling computer programs but I want to use it like a universal remote.
The easiest way would be to have the PIC read and store the IR code from a remote. It could then reproduce it and you don't even have to know what the code is!
That would be ok for a one time deal, but this is for a business application where I would like to keep track of all the codes in a computer and then burn them to a pic and send them to clients to plug into the units with the updated codes. I've been using universal remotes and it's been a real hassle.
Right now I have the "Pronto" hex codes on my computer that I will need and if I can convert them to something a pic can reproduce that would be great.
It's already been done! - so why reinvent the wheel?.

Try looking at the "Comgenius" remotes, these are programmed via a special serial lead from a computer.

If you really want to do it yourself?, you first have to decide on a scheme for reading and storing the remote codes, and then write a PIC program to read the stored data and transmit a replica of the original codes. You then need to get all the data files you require!.

A public forum is hardly the place to get any of this information, it's generally kept 'secret' as many companies make their livelihood from them! (such as One For All!).
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