hi 1ab,
A point thats puzzling me is the wide limits set for the comparator, the Sim shows limits of +4V and +10V.
This suggests that once the comp reads a voltage of greater than 10V, the SUN is connected to the motor
and will remain connected until SUN falls just below +4V.
I cannot see that the PV would be able to drive the motor at 4Vish.
At the <4V cut out limit, a full 24V is applied to the motor, thats a motor voltage change of 20V!.
The circuit as designed dosnt allow for the possiblity of PV[SUN] open circuit voltage of reading > 10V when the motor is switched over to the +24V.
This causes the comp to switch on/off at the lower limit of 4V.
Could you give details of the PV [solar panel] and the motor, also whats the 'system' doing, simply: whats it for.?
What limits on SUN high/low voltage do you require.
Im sure we can come up with design ideas.