Need help modeling Lm3914 driver circuit on Livewire

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johnny ace

New Member
I used the datasheet for the LED driver and copied the circuit on page 2. It said that the range for the circuit is 0-5V, however when i built it, the range was about 0-1V. Did i draw the circuit correctly?

Likewise for page 11.
could not get it right.

I eventually want to build a circuit with an adjustable upper and lower voltage limit so that I can expand/shrink the range or shift it with pots.

Your first circuit checks out OK, using a LM3914 simulator.

Refer the notes on the image.

What voltage input range is the second circuit supposed to cover.?


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voltage range

the signal input range is supposed to be 4.46 to 5.54V

is the livewire model for the IC incorrect?
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