need help on how to sense height

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need help on how to sense height on my project- electronic body mass indexer. i intend to hack a digital weight scale but really dont know how to obtain human height for computation in my design. someone please help
Are you trying to measure a person's height as they stand on a scale? My nurse does it with a scale and T-bar mounted on the wall.
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Are you trying to measure a person's height as they stand on a scale? My nurse does it with a scale and T-bar mounted on the wall.

A good method to "make" heavy persons shorter. The scale plate moves downwards with weight.
English BMI Formula
BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703
Metric BMI Formula
BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )

OK, so you need weight (scale) and height. If want to measure height, aside from standard rulers then consider using a string pot or yo yo pot. They have several names. A string pot looks like these units here but need not be as expensive. A do it yourself version could be constructed using a 10 turn linear potentiometer and some creativity.

Very interesting methods!.

How about making the person step off the scale and measure the height with a T-plate mounted at the wall?

Eliminates the need for any electronic device!


For precise measurements of body height use measurements in the early morning and in the late afternoon. Body height might vary by 1" due to compression of the spinal bones.
Why do I have this feeling that this thread and this other thread should somehow be merged to make a single thread? It would seem BMI is the latest greatest school project thing?

For precise measurements of body height use measurements in the early morning and in the late afternoon. Body height might vary by 1" due to compression of the spinal bones.

We shrink that much? That would explain looking up to look down late in the day. Thanks Hans.

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