need help on project

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New Member

i'm doing a project on a micromouse maze. i'm also new in the robotics world so i dont have pretty much idea about it. so i need ur help as much as u can. on the microcontroller used and also the source code for the mouse. willingly to purchase the code at a price thank you.

thanks for any reply

Why not learn how to do it your self?

Did you ever hear the sang if you give a man a fish he will it for one day but if you teach a man how to fish he will it forever.

Don't know if that is exactly how it go's but that is all I remember anyway why don't you pick up a book like robot builders bonanza and learn about robotics.

This book was one of my most favorite in my collection, I would do that.
Re: reply

Roboticinfo said:
Why not learn how to do it your self?

Did you ever hear the sang if you give a man a fish he will it for one day but if you teach a man how to fish he will it forever.

Eh GTAman,
Here's another version of that quote

' Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day '
' Teach a man to fish and will sit in his boat and
drink beer all day'
FISH 24:7
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