Need Help or wall-follower

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New Member
i am anand jain from india, i am trying to build a fire-bot, the problem statement can be found on
, we decided the way in which it is possible for robot to reach all the 4 room ( Considering the Worst Case that candle is in fourth room) for this we need to build the wall follower bot, so please can you tell me how it can be done................

what have you got so far?

interresting...i just read some of the contest page

i have a question ( i just skimmed the Page) Can u point your bot in a particular direction ? ? then let er go??

a purely wall follower will miss the room on the right which is not connected to a wall
since they give ya the layout it seems easy to me
point bot twards the right go X number of feet , turn left. or pivot left
go X number of feet , pivot left again enter room go to center pivot 360 degrees look for fire, if found , point and shoot CO2 pivot again is fire out, if yes ,exit roon turn left X feet , left X more meters (sorry) turn right X meters ect ect..
note1) be Absolutly sure what the floor in the room is made of , so you can test your bot on the same surface.
i hope you could publish the video of the contest ? that would be cool.
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