Need help - PICKit 2 Lite VPP error

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New Member
I just used blueroomelect's circuit to make a PICKit 2 Lite, but got a VPP Error, and the Troubleshooting Tool showed the VPP only is about 7v. can anyone help me on this problem, how can I solve this problem? Thanks!


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Have built Pickit2s but not actually used that pcb.

Your VDD message is correct - the PK2 lite supplies your target chip with the +5v direct - it does not come from the actual 2550 chip, ensure the ' VDD PICKIT2' box at the rh side of the screen is Unchecked for both +5v and Mclr.

Your VPP should be around 11-12v , must suspect you have some error around the 680uh choke area - did you use the correct value for this part ? it is important although I have used 470uh without problems.
Check for any bad joints, pcb shorts or wrong parts / orientation etc

The Pk2 checks for the correct Vpp when it starts up and will not run until its correct.

Your last screen shows a far east font intead of the OK ?? - are you using the latest software for the Chip and PK2 program from the Microchip site ? - it may be an actual bug in their software - ?
That's not my schematic or PCB layout (I don't use Eagle)
Check your schematic against the Junebug's manual schematic, make sure the VPP transistors are wired the same way.
ur pnp transiator is soldered in wrong way
i also had that problem
solder ir in the correct way
then it'l work
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