need help programming atmel....please!!!!

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hazic said:
i don't think that the manual can help us about it because we are looking for the signals from the computer...
no , we know what they are . the rs232..
i thought you wanted to hook the atmel up to the programmer?
yes, but we need to know what is the meaning of each signal in the rs232 and then we will know how to connect the programmer to the atmel, no?
mybe it will be better if i'll build a new programmer?
hazic said:
yes, but we need to know what is the meaning of each signal in the rs232 and then we will know how to connect the programmer to the atmel, no?
mybe it will be better if i'll build a new programmer?
ya maybe.. starting with a known working schematic and software would be better..
I don't think the part you are using can be programmed through RS232 without first programming in a bootloader. You need to use an SPI interface to program the part.

Older parts like the AT89C51RD2 have a bootloader preprogrammed into the part. This lets you program the part through RS232 - you just connect the computer Rx to Tx on the part and Tx on the computer to Rx on the part.
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