Hy run,
Here is a circuit for an opto receiver:
Circuit Description
(1) Ideally, the Opto Receiving Diode (ORD) should operate with a 50V reverse voltage for the best on-current gain, but I am hoping there is enough on-current with only 10V reverse voltage. I have also done a circuit of a voltage multiplier to generate around 50V, so that can be used if necessary.
(2) The first opamp (N1) is a TransImpedance Amplifier (TIA) which converts the ORD on-current into a negative voltage (less positive). The current-to-voltage conversion factor of the TIA is, -(R3*Ion) Volts.
(4) The output from the TIA is then fed into a Comparator Schmidt Trigger (CST) (N2) to provide a nice square wave at its output which swings between 0V and 12V. I haven't bothered to convert to TTL, but that would be no big deal.
(5) With no ORD on-current, the TIA output sits around 2V. The voltage reference point for the CST is around 1V, so the CST output will be at 0V.
(6) When the TCA output drops below 1V, corresponding to an ORD on-current of over 1 uA, the CST will flip over so that its output will be 12V.
(7) I have assumed a opto receiving diode on-current of around 2 uA, but this may not be the case, so the gain of the trans-conductance amplifier will probably need to be adjusted by altering the value of R3. The criteria is that when the ORD on current is present the TIA will try to achieve around -1V. It wont be able to achieve this because the TIA output will hit 0V first.
(8) R5 and R6 have no play in the main circuit function and are only there to provide a degree of isolation and help keep the opamps happy in the frequency domain.
(9) C10 will probably not be needed in view of the low baud rate of IKHz but, for higher data rates, C10 would need to be optimized for circuit layout and ORD/housing parasitic capacitances.
(10) Unfortunately, the OPA192 is only available in surface mount. The schematic pin-out is for a SOIC 8 (SO 8) pak (OPA192IDR). The OPA192 costs around $2 US or in England, £2 UK. There are also dual (OPA2192) and quad (OPA4192) versions.
Incidentally, I have just posted an article covering the OPAx192: