Need help to design, build and test one amplifier channel of an ECG machine.

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raj khaleel

New Member
The required specifications for this ECG amplifier channel are:

(a) Amplifier gain: 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000
(b) CMRR> 80dB at 50Hz
(c) Noise < 10μVrms (equivalent referred to input) with input shorted
(d) Bandwidth (-3dB): 0.05-500 Hz
(e) Notch filtering at 50 Hz (can be switched in or out)
(f) Other additional features such as protection circuit, electrical isolation,
right-leg-drive circuit, etc if time permits.

Can anyone help me in this project of mine? I have only 2days to complete this.

Many Thanks in advance.

I'm assuming you're a student. Two days to >>>design<<<, build, and test? If you have nothing more of a design than a set of specs' to bring's not going to happen. You might get away with coping someone elses design and turn it in as your own. But what would that get you?...oh yeah...a hollow grade.

Rant over.

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