Need help to make simple scoreboard with LEDs

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New Member
Hi Everyone, this is my first post here.

I want to build a simple scoreboard for some backyard basketball games.

I want to make a large display using LEDs. (not the seven segment display LEDs) I was hoping to use those individual LEDs and make 6 to 10 inch high digits. How do I hook them up?

I just need something simple and inexpensive. Maybe a simple counter circuit. But the problem for me is building the display.

I have Googled around to look for ideas but didn't find the right answer.

All I need is 2 digits each for the home team and the visitor team.

I haven't done any real electronics projects fo a long time (25 years)...I'm sure things have changed. I used to do projects with wire wrap and those boards with all the holes (perf boards I think?)

I hope some one can help me.

Here is an idea: You only need 2 digits so the circuit can be greatly simplified. If you use 5 red LEDs for each segment, it can be operated from 12 volts. Use a push button for clock and reset.


  • 7_seg_display.jpg
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Silicon Chip magazine's project is linked in Google. Just enter Silicon Chip Scoreboard in the search box. :lol:
reply to scoreboard

hi! i've got a fully illustrated schematic diagram, pcb design, and components specification, i bought it a year ago, and haven't build 'coz i'm a busy person. if you could try to build it, try to send me a reply. thanks.
plzzz if any one can give me the circuits for LED scoreboard for basketball ...........plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me out......
can anyone please help me with my project?

its a 2 digit 7 segment display scoreboard

it should be manually operated meaning im the one pressing the button when the teams scored it should step 1 point per press then if the score is wrong i could make it correct by adjusting the score, thnx!!
joriss27 said:
hi! i've got a fully illustrated schematic diagram, pcb design, and components specification, i bought it a year ago, and haven't build 'coz i'm a busy person. if you could try to build it, try to send me a reply. thanks.
Hi Joriss27, I would love to have the design. How can I get it?

E mail.
The kind of a scoreboard I have in mind is one whose inputs I can connect to the parallel or serial port of a pc and display a message on both the pc screen and the LED scoreboard. If you can help me get such a schematic, I would appreciate.

Thank you.
the holy grail.....? digital scoreboard schematic

I have decided to join the long list of people of various electronics forums who want to build a scoreboard.

I play volleyball so looking for set (to 5) and score (probably 35 max) ideally with some reset function (6 digits 1, 2, 2, 1) the set (1's) can be a seperate system but i am confused as to how, if i set up the 2 digits, as to how they increment beyond 9.

The inputs will be a manual trigger (button), components without microcontroller

I have alot of information floating around but it would be really helpful to find one source of information to help build this. I have checked out Aaron Cake's site and this looks like a good starting place, although raises a few questions with regards to pulse etc. I am trying to create the board for an electronics project.

I'm happy to document the production (thus ending the quest for this much sought after project).

Any information would be much appreciated. work commences tomorrow and I will create a new forum on this topic. Watch this space!! (please help!! )
I've recently made a simple up down counter, it has three digits, but can easily be put down to two. for the other team, you just replicate the first circuit and make sure the reset runs across both teams circuits.
hi, can anyone help me by sending a basic electronic circuit for electronic scoreboard.. it must be easy 2 understand...thanx


I've recently made a simple up down counter, it has three digits, but can easily be put down to two. for the other team, you just replicate the first circuit and make sure the reset runs across both teams circuits.


It would be much appreciated. Research is going well but I have ran into a few snags.
How would i get it from you?

Many thanks
hii all, sorry still learning, I am looking for badminton scoreboard electronic schematic, please help me, thanks
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