Need help to read a PC signal frm P18f452

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New Member
Hi, all I am using PIC 18f452 and C18 compiler,
I made a project, to scan two input pins of PIC and give to another two pins as output signals. I've succeeded.

But now I need to supply two inputs via PC (to both input pins),

Which port can I used serial or parallel?

I read little about serial communication, but it is too complex. Please anyone help me to do this.
Serial is dead simple, easy to connect, easy to write the software for - can't help you with C, but there are 16F assembler examples in my tutorials.
Thank you Nigel, for your help, I'll try with your assembler programme. But I still require a C programm and circuit diagram with compatible with PIC 18f452 and C18 compiler.
Thank you Nigel, for your help, I'll try with your assembler programme. But I still require a C programm and circuit diagram with compatible with PIC 18f452 and C18 compiler.

There's no 'circuit' just a MAX232 connected to the serial pins on the PIC - check my tutorial hardware for an example.

Like I said, I don't use C, but I would expect such a common requirement to be covered in the examples with C18? - or at least in MicroChips application notes?.

That's a good idea Nigel, But I tried with the example code of C18 and that was not compiled correctly. But I didnot get the idea about the error saying

section 'bigdata' can not fit the section. Section 'bigdata' length=0x00000b00,

can you enyone explain that.
Sorry, I've never played with C18, but a number of people here have, and will probably be along later.
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