Need Help Urgently about PWM

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New Member

i want to add a pwm output RC2.Basicly in my project there is a temperature sensor which is input.

outputs are LCD LEDs and Motor.

LCD and Leds working properly but motor's got problem.
If temperature more than 30 degree motor speed will be maximum. between 20 and 30 degrees motor speed is lower than before.If it is less than 20 motor will stop.

i need help about this.i wrote some codes but it doesnt work properly.

There is circuit shema.
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  • DENE.C
    2 KB · Views: 189
Is your motor not running at all or is it turning on and off at the wrong times? It could be as simple as your mosfet is not turning off because the resistor is too big. But more information is needed to diagnose the problem
Also, I assume it's a brushless dc computer fan, is it a controller problem with that motor?
Give some more detail about what it's doing, and also take a voltage meter to your temperature sensor and get the voltages from the output you are using for the adc that the motor will use. I assume it's not the problem because your lights are working but again more information about the motor problem is needed. keep "plugging" away at it!
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