Need help/ want to send code to a PIC microcontroller wirele

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Need help/ want to send code to a PIC microcontroller wirelessly
want to change code wirelessly.

Also I think that the Basic stamp 2 allows you to do something like that with a attachment but not sure.
Re: Need help/ want to send code to a PIC microcontroller wi

GTAman said:
Need help/ want to send code to a PIC microcontroller wirelessly
want to change code wirelessly.

Also I think that the Basic stamp 2 allows you to do something like that with a attachment but not sure.

I suggest you try looking up 'bootloaders', there are various ones about, with lots of information on them in MicroChip datasheets. In only works with some PIC's however!.

You then have the problem of writing the wireless part!.
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