need help with 3digit bcd 7-segment decoder

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my program outputs 8 bit binary and i would like it to be displayed in 3 digits of 7-segment
how can i achieve this?
please include the schematic for it? thanks alot
If I am not wrong, I think 8 bits is only 2 digits. Two 4511 decoders would give you a LED readout of the two digits.
k7elp60 said:
If I am not wrong, I think 8 bits is only 2 digits. Two 4511 decoders would give you a LED readout of the two digits.

8 bits is two hexadecimal digits (FF) but three decimal ones (255), as usual a PIC would give an easy solution (but I've been trying not to mention it!).

I suspect doing it with logic chips would be fairly involved, you've first got to convert from binary (or hex) to decimal, then display it as well.
it's 3 digits yes it is
btw what's an PIC
converting 8 bits binary to decimal i could use a decoder?
btw will this work : connecting the output of the 8 bits to a 4 bit adder and from the 4 bit adder to a 7-segment decoder then to the 7-segments
Stress&Headache said:
it's 3 digits yes it is
btw what's an PIC

It's a popular micro-controller made my MicroChip, you could program it to do what you need.

converting 8 bits binary to decimal i could use a decoder?
btw will this work : connecting the output of the 8 bits to a 4 bit adder and from the 4 bit adder to a 7-segment decoder then to the 7-segments

Sorry, I've no idea, I stopped playing with logic chips many years ago.

I notice your original post says "my program outputs 8 bit binary", if this is a software program you can modify it to output whatever you want.
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