Need help with a distance "confirmer" ?

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New Member
Hi all!

I currently need a circuit that can do can "confirm" that an object is within 10 cm'ers (Distance is not necesarrily fixed)

What I'd really like it to have an output in the same way a digital gate have. (0 Volts as a "0", and 5 V as a "1") and have this output based upon distance to whatever object might be infront of it.

I am unfortunatly not really that learned with electronics (yet hopefully) But I was thinking maybe this could be done with some Infrared light or perhabs ultrasonic? Any idea as to where I might start this off?

I realise this is alot of work i'm asking done for me, but if you have any ideas as to places I might start, i'd be really grateful

Thanks in advance

- Rolf
I think you need to provide a great deal more detail on what you're doing. What's the "object"? Can the distance sensor make contact with the object? Is the object in a closely defined location? ????

It may be easier for the people here to solve your problem...than solve your solution.

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