Hello folks,
greetings from Germany im asking for help for a rather simple problem, i hope nobody feels offendet that im not really an electronic, allthough i try, i just recently bought a multimeter and a soldering iron
I want to build an air-cleaner, or a dust catcher, so to speak. i built a large 30cmx30cm filter and i want to use some large 140mm CPU fans, 4 of them, to pull the air through that filter. Those are high quality fans with good static pressure, and now i at least have a purpose for them. Now i need to find a way to hook them up, with a dimming option/potentiometer or something like that would be perfect. Easiest way would be to buy a Computer PSU ofc, but i think thats overkill both in size and price. I have some old small PSU in my boxes, common 5V or 12V, cant even remember where i got the from, 1 was from a shaver, 1 from an old DAC. I also have a slightly more powerful from a laptop, maybe theres a way i can mod one of them? Or is there some special Adapter/Voltage converter for that case? I couldnt find anything on Ali, at least nothing that has any terminals for that fans. and without terminals, i have no idea how to solder such a thing together. Maybe someone knows an easy way to realize that? The backside of the fan says 12V/0.3A.