Need Help with building something

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New Member
I am trying to figure out what is used to make a release cage for pigeons that will let me open the release cage by remote. I have pictures of the basket and a link to a video of one being used. Any help would be appriciated.

YouTube - Remote Control Cage


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i would suggest that you buy a 'door popper' set for each cage. these are kits to fit to a car that has the external handles removed. they come with a little rf remote for your keyring.
the power is provided by a solonoid, usually with a wire loop attatched. press the button on the remote and the solonoid pulls the wire. im sure you can figure out how to connect the wire to open the cage.
What's the maximum distance you need from you to the cage. How often id the cage opened?...think power consumption. Will you be using more than one cage at a time?...think multi-channel Tx/Rx.

The maximum distance will be about 50 feet and there will only be one opened at a time. They will only be opened when needed for weddings and funerals. I will not use them on the training releases i do.

I looked at the door popers but the ones i find are costly. Trying to find something faitly inexpensive.

I also would like for it to opperate on small 9 volt batery instead of 12 volt

Thanks for the ideas
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Standerd solonoids may not work so well on a small 9 volt battery. I assume you what them all to open at the same time?
Here is one on E-Bay
**broken link removed**
$179 and uses two 9 volt batterys
Found the kit to do what i want if there is a way to make it work without a 12 volt battery. The one on ebay is what i am trying to make. They make a kit with remote and solenoids, but the 12 volt battery is to big. Is there any way to make it work with two 9 volt batteries? I think this is what the one on ebay has done.
Use a Smaller 12v battery? alarm backup batteries are 12v usually. 8xAA pack? 9v batteries usually dont usually provide much current.

infact an 8xAAA pack is just slightly larger than 2x9v pp3s
Yes you can get 12 volts any number of ways using different combinations of batterys. The questoin is how much current is needed?
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