Need help with circuit for monitoring a moving chain.

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Kip Lowe

New Member
I want to build a flashing or beeping circuit to monitor a moving bicycle size chain. The chain moves slowly and I want at align the transmit and recieve sensors on each side of the chain and have it flash or beep as the links pass by. Seems pretty simple but its been a while since I've designed anything. Just wondering if anyone has some diagram/schemaitc that will work for this.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the quick responses guys.. Joe, I wonder if the chain will pass thru the slot. Seems a little small. I may have to go with two separate peices to mount on each side.

Any input on a diagram? I can follow one but designing it myself is just out of my range of my Expertise.

Thanks again!
you can get the "switch" up to a 34mm slot. would need to know what the voltage you will be using. and i'll have to learn how to add a schematic. lol

I did not know that, great info....

I was hoping to use a 9v battery. I only need to monitor the chain for about 30-45 min... once a week. I currently set there and watch it but I thought I would try to come up with a gizmo so I could see or hear it from across the room. If you can come up with a schematic you can email it to me.

Thanks for your effort!
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