Need help with COLOUR LCD Display

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New Member
Hi all,

i wanted to know if some had some info / expierence on Colour LCD Displays

i wanted to know if it was possible to connect one to a micro controller.

i looked @ places like

but i don't have the knowledge to choose one which i coould use.

i saw the 2,7" but that one is sad enough to small.

i liked 4,5 inch..


well i didn't brought one ..i was searching for one

soow don't know what datasheet you want.

ok i made a choice..

'think i'm going for this one..??

1 Display -> F-51167NCU-FW-AB
1 Controller -> CDS-1375
1 attach inverter -> BXA-12594-5M

i'm not sur eif i need the inverter anyone can confirm this??

I'm pretty sure you need the inverter because this is what creates the light that shows through the LCD.
Should work. I've been looking at how to get a decent large color display working but I need it to be daylight readable and that's extremely hard to find.

I wonder how fast that interface is. I'm used to interfaces where I can clock 8 data bits at once so I'm not sure how fast an RS232 interface will run a larger display with much more data per pixel. I guess you'd use the USART module on the PIC, but there's only one of them on the PIC so no hardware I2C or SPI elsewhere.

i dont think it can controlle by PIC , cause high clock is needed. I think there is many modules..which can controlle by serialy also
i think i'm gona use a PIC18Fxxx (40Mhz)

i read that the display has its own data lines is it nececary that i buy the controller??


i think i'm gona use a PIC18Fxxx (40Mhz)

i read that the display has its own data lines is it nececary that i buy the controller??


i think the better way is to get an controller and experiment it...or if u r confident that u can contole it by an PIC ,try and let me know..its interresting.
Microcontrollers don't have the speed or RAM to directly drive these color displays that don't have onboard RAM and controllers. You'll need more parts.

soow when i buy the display i also need to buy the controller and the inverter then it could work.

i tjought that 40mhz was pretty fast.

but i have to admit that if y cant give commands that are going to the point..


40Mhz is pretty fast to do the simple things a microcontroller was meant to do.

However running a colour lcd isn't a simple thing, many data has to be moved in short amounts of time, microcontrollers aren't very good at this.
Also, the data (images) have to come from somewhere, all the memory in a pic would only hold a few low-res/color images, so you're going to need external ROM to store your images.

Unless you would just use it do drzw generated patterns (lines and stuff), but you don't buy a large color LCD for that.
that's true but i thought to have find a system wich has the memory soow i only call with the pic the bmp file... :lol:

wel read something more about it.

The people saying you can't do it don't understand what you're trying to do.

A PIC cannot effectively act as as LCD controller that has to scan lines directly into the display. Nor does it have enough RAM to even hold a single screen buffer. But you aren't doing that. You've got a controller that will do the scanning and hold one or more buffers, you've only got to send read/write commands to alter pixels and the controller manages the buffer.

This is definitely MORE data transfer than a simple monochrome, monotoned (1 bit per pixel) graphics display. It's more resolution and more bits per pixel. But a display is not limited only by bandwidth, the computation to draw lines, graphics, etc takes longer than the transfer. So I can't predict how much slower it may be, it depends on what you need to do. Also the serial port that controller uses is probably a lot slower than a common 8-bit + rd/wr enable LCD bus. Maybe you can use the USART in the PIC to get a better speed by letting the hardware send out bytes while your code does computations to generate the bytes to send.

BTW, be aware that your PIC18F may have a 40MHz clock, but its instruction cycle is 1/4th of that, like all PICs. So if you were to make long string of PORTB=0xff; PORTB=0x00; PORTB=0xff;.... you'd only get a 5 MHz sq wave.
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